Blogeintrag 6 |  4 January 2019


Jumping on a flight is no excuse to entirely forget about one’s appearance. There is a general tendency to undervalue style, as against comfort, when travelling, but who says stylish cannot be comfortable? The fashion and travel industries greatly influence each other, and all eyes are on celebrities lately with their travel outfits and accessories, being featured mainly to inspire others to travel fashionably. Whether at the airport or first location of a whistle-stop tour, celebrities and politicians alike, being always in the limelight and as icons and inspiration to the rest of the world, require their outfits to be sleek and smooth even after hours of travel.


You might be asking yourself why you need to travel in style when you are not a significant figure. You may be a regular person, but life is short and there is no defence for dressing poorly if you are spending time with the people you care about everyday or travelling with them.  Alternatively, the task may be to discuss with people for business, and know that if you want to be taken seriously, you have to dress the part.


While it may seem that disheveled, wrinkly clothes are inevitable during travel, there actually  are safeguards to minimise the mess and preserve overall neatness on arrival, and one is investing in a quality garment bag. This quick fix is available whether you are a celebrity or not. The garment bag lends itself to travellers toting suits and outfits from city to city and is the perfect tool for anyone looking to arrive at his destination and not worry about finding the nearest ironing board. Sadly, the garment bags currently in the market are often impractical to carry, being junky and/or made out of easily torn cloth. These bags also often only hold half of your travel wardrobe and without compartments for shoes and other essential accessories. 


VOYAGE, Prado Stuiber’s garment bag in elegant premium real leather, is here to comfortably and cleverly style you for your next trip, to the envy of your fellow travellers. Have your outfits spread and neatly rolled inside the garment bag while having extra space for your shoes and accessories. Visit our Shop and get yours now.



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